It just takes moments to connect your Envision point of sale software account with Saloninteractive.
Log into Envision by going to
From your Envision menu, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and then select Company Settings.
From the Company Settings menu, select the Integrations tab.
To connect your Envision account to your Online Store, select the Connect SalonInteractive button.
Once connected, your Integrations tab should look like this example below with the buttons for both Go to SI Account and Disconnect SalonInteractive.
You will be redirected to SalonInteractive, where you can log into your existing account or sign up for a new account.
Inventory with SalonInterative & Envision
The products you carry with your Online Store determine what product lines will be automatically downloaded to your Inventory within Envision. Data being pushed/pulled between Envision<>SI occurs every 15 minutes.
Select Inventory from the navigation window, then click Retail List.
Once on the Retail List, you can see what inventory loaded from your SalonInteractive selection of products.
Refer to your Envision Support Team for managing your inventory within Envision.
NOTE: Since SalonInteractive coordinates order fulfillment with local distributors, you do not need to worry about tracking inventory for your online store.
How do I set up my Online Store?
How do I customize my Online Store?
How do I make Product Recommendations?