Why is selling retail important?

Whether you are a salon owner or are a solo artist in a rental salon or suite, selling retail just makes good sense. Here’s why:

Retail 1

If you have a new client in your chair and you recommend retail products that they purchase at the end of their first appointment, they are three times more likely to return a second time. Also, if you sell long-standing patrons retail and do so regularly, they tend to stay your clients three times longer.

The reason for this 3X phenomenon is that your clients feel that it is part of your job to recommend how to keep their hair looking good once they’ve stepped out of your salon.

Let’s say that you provide a highlight service for a client, and you don’t take the time to properly educate them about home care for those highlights. Not knowing any better, your client uses whatever shampoo they have on hand. Should their warm highlights become harsh and brassy, your clients will never blame themselves for their uninformed product choice. Instead, they will be mad at you and will think that you messed up their highlights.

So, how are your clients supposed to know what to use on their specific hair type, texture, or condition if you don’t inform them? The solution is simple. Always, always, always recommend the proper home care products to help protect your client’s investment and encourage the best possible long-term hair health. Product recommendations should happen no matter what service they get, but it is an absolute must with any chemical procedure like color and texture services. The potential for disaster is much too high in these cases.

The best reason for selling retail? Well, obviously you can make money. In fact, a salon or solo artist can make nearly three times more than what’s possible for most hair services. So, whether offering products from your salon inventory or through your Online Store (or both), selling retail is essential to your business. 

You’ve already helped create the market for professional products, so why not participate in selling them? Not only is it the best for your client and their hair, but it also helps keep them happy and coming back for more.

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