How do I exclude pricing from the product sync as an Aura user?

When you connect your Aura account to SalonInteractive (Inventory > Products > hamburger menu > SalonInteractive), you’ll have the option to check or uncheck Include price changes in automated product updates. If this box is checked, your product data, including pricing, will automatically sync daily. The updates check the backend of your inventory and make updates for price, UPC, or any other data related to the product when it becomes available.

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If your salon sets its own pricing, you may not want SalonInteractive’s pricing to override it. In that case, uncheck Include price changes in automated product updates.

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To update pricing manually, click the Check Prices button.

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You're taken to a product list that you can filter by supplier (distributor), brand, or type (retail or professional). Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 8.54.13 AM copy1

You can change the pricing for any products on your filtered list by either selecting Accept All (which will only include filtered products) or picking the products you'd like to update and individually clicking Accept.

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How do I activate SalonInteractive as an Aura user?

How do I download products from SalonInteractive to Aura?

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